You will gain an overview of Hansen Provision’s concepts, features and functions.
Your improved understanding of Hansen Provision’s concepts, features and functions will help you make informed decisions as part of the project implementation.
Intended Audience
Key stakeholders and anyone involved in the project implementation.
There are no pre-requisites for this course, although an understanding of the telecommunications domain would be useful.
Course Outcomes
Once you complete this course, you will be able to:
- Explain how Hansen Provision fits within your company existing ecosystem, and how it will benefit your company.
- Identify the features and key components within Hansen Provision.
- Describe the Provision process flow.
Key Topics
Hansen Provision within your company’s ecosystem
Hansen Provision features and benefits
Hansen Provision process flow
Hansen Provision user interfaces
Hansen Provision key components
Hansen Provision Solutions
This is not a certification course and no final exam is required.
Training Environment
This is a demonstration-only course. You will not require an environment.
Course Duration
0.5 Day