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Hansen Catalog Overview


The Hansen Catalog Overview provides a high-level review of the key benefits and features of Hansen Catalog, including a short demonstration from an end user perspective.


You will gain an understanding of how the Hansen Catalog solution fits within your company and the business benefits effective product management will deliver.
An introductory walk-through of the product will help reinforce your understanding of the application, its architecture and how it can be used to effectively manage the product life cycle.
This course provides essential background for anyone wishing to plan a Hansen Catalog implementation, including the Catalog model and its integration with other applications.

Intended Audience

This course is geared towards enterprise executives and managers with a vested interest in understanding how, where and by whom the Hansen Catalog solution will be used and the implications it has for the organisation and IT structure. However, it also provides an essential introduction to the purpose and structure of the Catalog and is required for all those who will be using the Hansen Catalog.

Course Prerequisites

This is an introductory course, and there are no prerequisites.

Course Outcomes

Once you have completed this course, you will be able to complete the following:

  • Describe how your company will benefit from using Hansen Catalog.
  • Define terms used within the Catalog modelling space.
  • Explain the key functions of the Catalog and the impact these have on your existing processes.
  • Prepare information to begin modelling your products in the Catalog.
  • Suggest ways that Catalog could integrate with the other applications in your ecosystem.
  • Summarise deployment requirements.

Key Topics

  • Benefits of using the Hansen Catalog
  • Key terms used within the Catalog
  • Hansen Catalog functions and features
  • Modelling preparation
  • Integration with other systems
  • Deployment
  • Demonstration

Course Certification

There is no exam or certification for this course.

Training Environment

This course may be provided either as an instructor-led course or online interactive course. No hands-on trainee environment is required.

Course Duration

2 hours

Contact Hansen

Contact us for any further inquiries.